Like other local medicines, toenail fungus drops work on the principle of bactericidal and bacteriostatic action, destroying fungal spores in diseased areas and preventing their spread to healthy areas. In some cases, these drugs have bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties.
Onychomycosis - a fungal infection of the nail plate can only be treated externally in the initial stages of the disease, since then the problem areas of the tissue are covered with keratinized tissue, which prevents the deep penetration of external substances.

Features of using fungal drops
When treating the fungus, it should be taken into account that its spores are easily infected, but the cure is problematic, so at the slightest signs it is necessary to drip the fungus on the nails, which may be as follows:
- lesions between the toes and feet;
- the presence of severe itching;
- redness and peeling of the feet;
- The skin may become covered with blisters;
- The nail plate undergoes structural changes - yellowing, streaks, peeling of the plate, etc.
Important note: today, drops have a rather effective effect and action at any stage of fungal development, only in running form they must be combined with preparations for internal use.
Only drops are allowed in the initial stages of the development of the problem, and the extent of damage is determined only by experts.

IMPORTANT: Drops should be used after initial cleaning of dirt and dead particles on the nail plate with a nail file or scissors, only in this way can the drug be used for best results.
When applied, modern medicines work in both directions at the same time - treating and preventing further development. This effect works in a positive way, however, only a dermatologist can prescribe drops, who will choose exactly the necessary medication based on laboratory tests.
When selecting an expert, consider:
- the patient's health;
- the stage of the disease;
- Allergic reaction to certain ingredients.
Only in this case can full recovery be achieved.
How these drugs work

During use, the efficacy of nail fungus drops is manifested in the destruction of the fungal membrane and the blocking of intracellular biosynthesis, that is, the ability to reproduce.
Today, most drops block the production of ergosterol, a hydrocarbon in the fungal cell membrane that stops the cell from growing, thereby preventing its ability to take over new territories.
Furthermore, the viability of the bacteria was completely lost due to the accumulation of the drug components in the tissues.
Topical medicine, the active substance of which penetrates into the damaged tissue and accumulates in the nail plate, from which the therapeutic effect begins.
No more than 4-6% of the total active substance volume enters the bloodstream and is excreted in feces and urine.
Main contraindications to fungal drops
There are contraindications to any fungal drug, which boil down to 3 locations:

- Personal intolerance - many people have allergic reactions to certain ingredients and may also have increased sensitivity to them, making these funds unusable;
- Children under the age of 10 - here each drug is individualized, it all depends on the composition of the child and the presence of diseases or allergies;
- Pregnancy and breastfeeding - any instructions indicate that the use of nail fungus drops in this location in women is only permitted if the necessary benefit outweighs the risk to the fetus and baby.
Among other things, you can't use drops for open wounds and purulent.
All these contraindications show that modern medicines are quite serious means and they cannot be treated like cosmetic creams. This all means that they are not safe to use alone because no one knows what kind of fungus will hit his feet.
Self-use, at best, is a temporary solution to the problem, as evidenced by numerous comments from web users who say that there is no way to get rid of nail fungus completely, but to stop the disease temporarily - all as a result of self-treatment.
in conclusion
Nail fungus is a rather serious and unpleasant disease that is not so easy to cure, and you should definitely not hope to get rid of it anytime soon. If anything, you'll have to accumulate the patience and knowledge of the experts, follow their instructions, and you'll surely get positive results.